Four Recent Podcasts

Here are links to four recent podcasts I’ve done.

The first two podcasts are on post-progressive politics. I speak with Carter Phipps and David Storey, both of whom are Senior Fellows of the Institute for Cultural Evolution. Although the subject is the same, each podcast reflects the unique framing that Carter and David bring to their respective podcast series.

1. WISDOM AT WORK PODCAST, hosted by David Storey, recorded September 9, 2021

“Post-Progressive” Political Philosophy with Steve McIntosh. “Steve’s diagnosis of the hyper-polarization plaguing our political culture is the best I have ever come across; better, in my judgment, than those of media luminaries such as Ezra Klein and Jonathan Haidt. Join us for a philosophical tour de force of a conversation!”

2. THINKING AHEAD PODCAST, hosted by Carter Phipps, recorded August 12, 2021

Building a Post-Progressive Movement with Steve McIntosh. “Bringing a fresh perspective to politics—one that is neither left, right, nor centrist. It synthesizes the best of all three of these political positions by integrating the cultural values from each of America’s three major worldviews: Progressivism, Modernism, and Traditionalism.”


The next two podcasts are on spirituality. I speak with Ralph Cree about the practice of virtues, and with Ashton Gustafson about beauty, truth, and goodness spirituality.

3. EVOLVING SPIRITUAL PRACTICE PODCAST, hosted by Ralph Cree, recorded September 11, 2021

The practice of Virtues, with Steve McIntosh

4. GOOD, TRUE, & BEAUTIFUL PODCAST, hosted by Ashton Gustafson, recorded September 10, 2021

The Presence of the Infinite, with Steve McIntosh