This hour and forty minute video presents Steve’s latest thinking, with a focus on his book Evolution’s Purpose. Recorded at the Caritas Center in Boulder, Colorado on November 16, 2012, this “book talk” is part of Steve’s international book tour. In the video he describes the new picture of universal evolution that includes matter, life and mind. This leads to a discussion of how evolution’s progressive advance reveals its overall purpose, which is to grow toward ever-widening realizations of beauty, truth, and goodness. Despite setbacks and regressions, and despite the challenges of the modern world, Steve explains why the evolutionary story of our origins is actually a profound spiritual teaching. The presentation includes lively questions and discussion by the Boulder audience.

[box style=”note”]Please note, this video is high definition. If you have a reliable high speed connection, select the “Hi-Def” setting under the “gear icon” in the player’s menu.[/box]

Below are selected excerpts from the full video, as featured on the home page:

The Spiritual Message of Evolution

The Spiritual Message of Evolution (0:46)

The Evidence for Purpose in Evolution

The Evidence for Purpose in Evolution (2:30)

We Are Agents of Evolution

We Are Agents of Evolution (1:34)